Saturday, January 16, 2016

Courage in the face of adversity

I have not posted for a very, very long time. I have slacked on all fronts with posting, my diet, taking all recommended medications, and following all other doctors requests. I have definitely been feeling the consequences of those actions. As the new year approached I enrolled in the Pathways Program that the church runs through an online program at Brigham Young University- Idaho. I am enrolled in a religion course studying The Book of Mormon and have made goal to apply what I learn to my life in hopes that I will be able to do the things I need to in life to be healthy physically and spiritually.

Courage is defined as the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, without fear.  Courage is something that I lack in the aspects of me getting m health on track because I do fear the unknown like what if my body will not react to the treatments the way that it should or what if I can not make the proper life style changes needed.

I was reflecting on all of this while I was studying for our first lesson 1 Nephi chapters 1-5. Within those chapters a few versus stuck out in my mind as examples of how I can be courageous in life while facing adversity and following the promptings that come to me.

Sometimes we are asked or feel that we need to do something and not know what exactly is going to happen just that God wants us to do it. Nephi went forth and followed the Spirit even though he did not know what was going on but had full faith in God that it would all work out in the end. I have put off the things that I should be doing because I have been fearful of what is going to happen, even though deep down I know it will have good results in the end it is still scary to me. I am venturing into a new "world" and do not know where to look but I do know that as I continue to follow the counsel of those who are there to help me, follow the promptings I have God will not lead me astray so I will do as Nephi has and go forth.