Sunday, September 6, 2015



Inconceivable was the the word that I kept repeating to myself after my mother and I figured out my symptoms where from psoriatic arthritis, and yes in case you wanted to know it did sound like this:

I did not want to believe that I had this. I tried to wait patiently for my doctors appointment that happened to be about two months after I had self diagnosed myself. I was hoping that I was wrong but deep down inside I kind of knew that it was psoriatic arthritis. 

I tried my hardest to not let it affect my job and other daily activities. I tried to focus on something else when I had flare ups and I was working. I thought mostly about trying to help out the patient I was talking to at the time but during down time I would focus on reading another chapter in a book to be able to give my hands a rest. Most of the flare ups that I have are in my hands, back and occasionally my knees(which makes it a pain to walk up stairs and makes me fee like I am 80 years old). 

I do not know why I was so worried about what doctor was the one I should see, I have had the blessing of having an uncle who is a D.O. and happens to have a practice near my home. Once my insurance kicked in I called and made an appointment with him. 

I took my sister with me because I needed some support(sisters are good a that). I took a deep breath and walked into the office. I am nervous but shouldn't be my doctor had known me my whole life why is it so nerve racking?

I was mostly nervous because my psoriasis had flared up on my forehead (I feel like it's a giant stamp on my face saying look at me) as he asked I said something like "this" as I pointed to my forehead and explained the joint pain I had been having for almost three months. I let him know that the joint pain I have is basically everywhere at times others it was just in my hands. He said it was psoriatic arthritis, I said yep that's what mom and I thought. He begin to explain to me what was causing both my psoriasis and the arthritis and it is the following:

SIBO(small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). He explained to me that the extra bacteria that I had is what is causing my psoriasis and has progressed to causing the inflammation I have in my joints. He then handed me a packet of papers for the SIBO Diet Food Guide.As he explained the next process I looked through the papers. It's not so bad, I like most the things on these lists... except for the fish... I have to get used to eating fish, I need more meats besides red meat and chicken. No GRAINS, I was kind of bummed out about that but knew the hardest part for me would be giving up my Coke. I love it so much I collect tins,Mexican Coke bottles,I even have a Coke puzzle somewhere. Water just tastes, well like nothing. I don't want to just drink water all day that is boring. How do I organize the food? Well I have room in my fridge since I share it with roommates? The bright side to it. I LOVE to cook. Time to get new cook books and make up new recipes,which I will share on here with everyone.